Group leader: Bjarni Jóhann Vilhjálmsson, professor

Bjarni Jóhann Vilhjálmsson is a statistical geneticist who is motivated to leverage large population-scale data to understand the interplay between genetic and environmental factors when determining the causes of disease. He leads a research group at Aarhus University that is focused on developing methods that integrate health registers and large genetic data to understand psychiatric disorders and other diseases. He is the author of LDpred1/2, one of the most cited methods and software for deriving Polygenic risk Scores.

Zhihong Zhu, Senior Researcher

Zhihong Zhu is a Senior Researcher at NCRR, Aarhus University and scientific visitor at PCTG group, University of Queensland.

Florian Privé, Senior Researcher

Florian Privé is a Senior Researcher and data scientist in predictive human genetics at NCRR. He is an R(cpp) enthusiast and the rusersgrenoble founder and a former organizer.

Anders Jespersen, Postdoc

Anders Jespersen has a PhD is psychiatry and now works as a postdoc.

Emil Pedersen, PhD student

Emil Pedersen has a MsC in statistics and will finish his PhD in public health.

Clara Albiñana, PhD student

Clara Albiñana has a MsC in bioinformatics and will finish her PhD in public health.

Jette Steinbach, Research assistant

Jette Steinbach has a MsC in statistics and works as a research assistant.

Menno Witteveen, Research assistant

Menno Witteveen has worked as a data scientist at Expedia Group and now works as a research assistant.

Ole Hansen, Research assistant

Ole Hansen has a MsC in bioinformatics and now works as a research assistant.


Zeynep Yilmaz, Senior Researcher

Mohamed Abdulkadir, Postdoc

Liselotte v. Petersen, Senior Researcher

Doug Speed, Professor

Christopher Hübel, Researcher